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View Full Version : 04 WRX springs fit 90-91 Legacies

04-11-2006, 08:38 AM
I just put these springs on my Legacy this weekend, and I'm VERY VERY happy with the results. I haven't had this big of a dorky grin on my face in YEARS!

The car does sit what looks like about an inch lower (I was gonna actually measure the ride height before-and-after, but I got impatient). So it looks noticeably lower, but doesn't looked slammed or anything.

Assuming you get all the parts necessary (there is a full list of part numbers at the end of this post), you should have absolutely zero fitment issues. Everything bolts up.

If it weren't for the fact that I'm on bald Michelin Symmetries (which I learned come as standard equipment on Cadillac Devilles :roll: ), that aren't balanced anymore, I'd be really impressed with the handling. I got a chance to get on a highway entrance with no one in front of me, and the turn-in is much much crisper, which is to be expected thanks to the significantly-decreased body roll. I was squealing tires all over the place, but damn it was fun!

Anyway, part numbers:

The springs themselves (04 WRX)
20330FE861 for the fronts
20380FE830 left rear
20380FE820 right rear

Front top hats (04 WRX)-

Front upper rubber spring seats (04 WRX)-

The numbers following this are not confirmed to be NECESSARY, but I got them anyway.

Front washers (04 WRX)-

Rear lower rubber spring seats (04 WRX)-

Rear upper rubber spring seats (91 Legacy)-

My pic-hosting site is under maintenance right now, but when it gets back up and running, I'll post pics of the old and new springs side by side and the car before and after.

04-11-2006, 01:55 PM
how much did everything cost?

Sounds pretty cool :D

04-13-2006, 09:54 PM
Here's what she looked like right after the wheel bearing project. Up in the air!!!

The WRX springs are on the left, originals on the right:
The WRX springs on the right, originals on the left:

Here's what she looked like after the springs, MUCH better:

And just today with the XT6 wheels and Yoko Avid H4's:

04-13-2006, 10:08 PM
I think she deserves a turbo bumper and grille...

edit: just remembered that the grille wouldn't work...

04-13-2006, 11:56 PM
Ehh, I'm not big on making a car look like something it's not.

And before you even get a chance to say it Mark, the turbo bumper on the wagon was a mistake. I didn't order a turbo one, but that's what they sent to me, and the tight time schedule didn't allow me to get it changed, so I had to go with it. ;)

I'm gonna do my best to get Patti a restoration-quality paint job within the next year.

04-14-2006, 09:29 AM
My springs sag so much that it looks like it's been lowered :P

04-14-2006, 09:41 AM
Mike- Are you going to paint your bumper then? The black just looks so out of place...

04-14-2006, 06:04 PM
Mike- Are you going to paint your bumper then? The black just looks so out of place...

Trust me, I know! ;)

By the way, here's the list prices for those parts:
20330FE861 $75.73 apiece
20380FE830 $75.73
20380FE820 $75.73
20323FA000 $13.68 apiece
20325AA001 $13.68 apiece
20326AA000 $3.87 apiece
20375FC001 $7.97 apiece
20375AA011 $13.68 apiece