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12-12-2021, 08:31 PM
Hi Everyone!! Thanks for approving my membership. I am 40 something and live in Northeast WI. I've lived here my whole life. I love Subaru's and have since I owned my first one over 20 years ago it was the most ugly yellow tan color wagon, Legacy is what it would be considered now but it was and 86 or 87 and had the 4wd push button on the shifter. I loved that car and wish I still had it now but, I digress. I currently own a 2010 Impreza 2.51 Premium with about 153,000 miles on it and still going strong. I do all the work on my car (with the help of my friends and the internet) so I am very happy to be joining so that I can hopefully gain knowledge and just learn more about the car's I love. So, please don't judge me if I ask a silly question from time to time. Nonetheless, I will always keep my Impreza even if it dies because it's a great car and my dad gave it to me. It will probably be the last big thing he did to help me out in life so I treasure it and take as best care as I can of it. I do hope to own a newer Legacy in the somewhat near future. Again thanks for the add, I am happy to be here.

12-13-2021, 07:42 PM
Welcome, you're about 10 years late for forums to be super active. But there is a ton of knowledge to be gained if you spend the time searching. These days forums are mostly populated by us misfits that refuse to use Facebook :lol:

lord flashheart
12-14-2021, 10:18 AM
Yes! Down with facebook!

also, welcome, I'm glad to see a new member. like mike said, its sad to see forums going the way of the dinosaurs because there is a wealth of knowledge that really only comes from enthusiast forums