View Full Version : Xbox 360: RPGs and/or "non-violent" adventures

10-23-2008, 10:57 AM
My J-RPG's have ruined me for a lot of games out there... FFVII and FVIII on the PS specifically, though there was one I played that was turn-based combat with mechs...

lately I've been playing Mass Effect for the XB360 and it's been a lot of fun, but I'm almost done with it.

I'm looking for a good depthy followup (Fable II?) and maybe something the wife can get into. She doesn't like the FPS shooters, but enjoys puzzle games.

Suggestions? Bargain bin deals are always welcome.

10-23-2008, 11:08 AM
I'm an RPG fan also since the days of FFVII and FFVIII. Lost Odyssey is most like Final Fantasy (made by the same people) . and Tales of Vesperia come to mind. The later being very story driven. Haven't played fable yet though reviews say it lacks depth.

10-23-2008, 11:26 PM
My J-RPG's have ruined me for a lot of games out there... FFVII and FVIII on the PS specifically, though there was one I played that was turn-based combat with mechs...

lately I've been playing Mass Effect for the XB360 and it's been a lot of fun, but I'm almost done with it.

I'm looking for a good depthy followup (Fable II?) and maybe something the wife can get into. She doesn't like the FPS shooters, but enjoys puzzle games.

Suggestions? Bargain bin deals are always welcome.

I tried Blue Dragon, it's not bad, but not great. It is family friendly though.

10-24-2008, 12:29 PM
Viva Piñata!! =D lol

10-24-2008, 02:39 PM
I'm no help on this, I'm still a table top RPGer.

10-24-2008, 04:59 PM
Viva Piñata!! =D lol

Mrs Huffer has that already...