Welcome to the Subaru Legacy International.
Order and buy your official SLi decals here.
Come in, sit down, and introduce yourself. One new post per person.
For questions involving image posting, avatars, or any input.
Automotive, Subaru only.
Automotive, Non-Subaru only.
Track tips, Guides & Specs
Are you new to Subaru's? Legacies? or Forum's? This is the place for all the newcomers
Interior trim, gauges, steering wheels, seats, and lighting.
Body repair, trim, spoilers, bumpers, trim and specs.
ECU, lights, battery, grounding and security.
Topics on stopping, grip and traction as well as wheels to fit your application
Discussions related to handling, chassis, modifications of frames
Factory Service Manuals (FSM) / Parts Catalog / Parts Search Software (EPC) / Compression Ratios / PDF's / Post your documents.
"Will this fit/work" and other swap questions/info
Post your DIY write-ups here. Any DIY projects and installs.
Find out about which tools are best for your job
Gears, Flywheels, Clutches, axles, shifters and all that good stuff!! 5MT / 6MT / 4EAT / 5EAT
How to's, Questions & Tips
Legacies only
Your past and present Non-Legacy cars.
SLi's showcase of the hottest Legacies around the globe, check back each month!
Show YOUR Garage, shop and or tools
Legacy-related parts, For Sale only.
Need/Want something for your Legacy? Someone has it or can tell you where to find it.
Post up whatever you need to get rid of here
Legacy or Subaru item links
All makes and models for sale
The name says it all...
Link or post any motorsports-related videos
Non Subaru related or automotive. KEEP IT CLEAN!!! OLD un-used topics will be deleted.
Whore out pics of your ride and others here!
308 Spammers Denied Registration
45 Spammers Permanently Banned
Welcome to our newest member, robcontracts