it has been sitting for a long time, I currently have 4 working cars and never use them, I live in a small town and just walk everywhere, my wife uses her volvo but refuses to exercise my cars lol so they just sit there, this one has been undriven for almost a year unfortunately, I use my black outback for trips, this one is all offroady and thats not very nice for hwy driving long distance and thats all I do other than walk, the grocery store is 1.5 hours away so we take the super cozy and luxurious volvo or if i'm going by myself I take my other outback that is much more civilized on the road as its stock with rallitech swaybars. I do run lower tyre pressure offroading but not that much, I dont have beadlocks so that would be too low. I have a K&N filter and fill straight through exhaust (no channels in the muffler plus 2.25" piping, borla rep's and 2 glass packs) so I spaced the O2 bung to make it run richer, better than it going lean due to the mods and blowing my engine.