Many have seen or used it, many have not. If your one who hasent I highly recomend picking up a can of this stuff.

this has saved me a lit of tiems from broken bolts and busted hands. you can tell instantly after spraying that this stuff means business just from the smell(smells to me somthing like diesel fuel and wd-40 mixed together)

If you are planning on working on anything with rusted bolts or anything that has seen heat(turbos, exhaust, engine parts, steering components) Spray this on and let it sit for 30 min to an hour and come back. makes bolts come off like butter. Better yet on really stubborn nuts and bolts spray and let it sit over night. If this wont loosen them up then nothing will!

Overall compared to other penatrating oils this dominates all. I still use WD-40 for general oiling, but when it comes down to the dirt jobs you cant beat this stuff!!!!!!!

Can be had at local autoparts store for $3-5

This product is one of the best for loosening nuts and bolts I have ever used. I am working on a 1946 CJ2A Jeep some of the nuts and bolts have been on for more than fifty years. "B'laster" sure does the job! - Ralph / South Glenn Falls, NY

I am in the process of restoring a 1927 REO. I have removed parts that are press fitted together and badly rusted. In the past I have tried various penetrating fluids, "Liquid Wrench" and I still had to sperate the parts with a hydraulic press. With PB Blaster I spray it on wait a couple of minutes, tap the part once with a hammer and I am able to separate the parts with my fingers! Thanks for making my restoration easier. Keep up the good work! - Paul / West Harford, CT

Great to add to your toolbox for those junkyard runs where you dont have airtools also!