1. What you are selling
MUST have pics of the actual items being sold. If you don't have pics up your ad
2. You
must have your location in your Control Panel
AND in the thread's title.
Control Panel Link
Must have
25+ posts to post up an ad. Ad will be deleted unless authorized by an admin.
4. Multiple threads will be asked to be combined. If they aren't we will assume they are sold and
will be deleted.
5. If you sell everything, edit your post title with the words
"DELETE" or "SOLD," otherwise put SOLD after each individual item until everything’s gone.
6. If your thread hasn't seen any action in 3 months, it
will get locked. Any locked threads over 3months old will be deleted entirely. If you want your thread unlocked, PM a moderator/admin.
1. Plain and simple,
don't bust on another sales thread. If you have the same thing cheaper
start your own thread. If you have issues take it to PM. You get one warning, 2nd time you get the boot.
2. Please do not post
irrelevant questions or
stories of being broke in for sale threads. No-one least of all the seller wants to hear about how you'd "totally buy this if you had the cash". If you can't pay, you can't play.
3. Please don't flood the non-ebay sections with eBay/Craigslist/other site ads or links. We have a dedicated ebay/other site section for this.
Buyer Beware:
1. or it's admins/mods/owners are
NOT responsible for any transactions gone wrong.
2. This is the Internet, if you plan on buying from someone buy at your own risk, you may get burnt.
3. You
must use the Purchase Section for Paypal.
No Paypal Personal
Gift Payments - if there is a dispute, Paypal offers you no protection for "gifts!"
These rules are set up to help protect the buyer and seller.
How to post pics: