Nomination Rules

1. The Ride of the Month [ROTM] competition is open to any members with an up to date Member’s Rides I [MR1] thread. The MR1 thread must meet the criteria listed HERE to be eligible for competition. Vehicles belonging to friends and family who are not members of are not permitted to compete. Mutually owned vehicles belonging primarily to another family member (such as a spouse) are eligible as long as an up to date MR1 thread maintained. ROTM staff may not compete in competitions. All other staff (including administrators and all levels of moderators) are permitted to compete.

2. ROTM contestants must compete with a Legacy, Legacy Outback, or Baja which they currently own. Cars that have been sold or wrecked are not eligible.

3. Vehicles may be nominated to compete in the ROTM competition by the owner of the vehicle or any other member of There are no limitations on who may enter a specific vehicle to compete. A user may nominate more than one vehicle for competition.

4. Nominations MUST include the nominee’s username, a photo of the vehicle for use in competition, and a link to the MR1 thread. An optional mod list may be included in the nomination, but is not required. As per the rules above, a mod list must be present within the MR1 thread. The photo included for use in competition must be a shot of the entire vehicle. Partial photographs of a vehicle may not be accepted. Only one photograph per contestant. The nominee, if nominated by another user, has the ability to change the photo used in competition. Photos may not be changed after nominations end.

5. There are no limits on the number of contestants that may nominated per month. You may nominate as many eligible users as you would like.

6. Nominations must be submitted within the timeframe stated in the nomination thread. Any nominations received before or after this window of opportunity will not be included in that month’s ROTM competition.

7. Users with multiple vehicles may only compete with one vehicle each month. Additional vehicles may compete in separately in other ROTM competitions.

8. Upon making it into the voting round of a contest, that specific vehicle is ineligible to compete for three (3) months following the competition. If the vehicle is nominated, but not chosen for the voting round, it may be nominated again in the next available nomination round.

9. Upon winning ROTM, that specific vehicle is ineligible to compete in ROTM competitions for twelve (12) months following the competition. A winning user may compete with a different vehicle, as long as it abides by the official rules stated here.

10. Nomination threads are strictly for nominations. Discussion in nomination threads should be kept to a minimum. Voting threads are open for discussion.

11. Once voting begins, withdraw from the competition is not a possibility. Nominated users who do not wish to compete in the competition may contact the ROTM staff to have their nomination removed before the voting round begins. If a car is sold or wrecked during the voting round, it may continue to compete. Contestants will not be removed during the voting round after it has started unless the situation allows for no other option.

12. These rules are subject to change at anytime without notice at the discretion of the ROTM staff. This includes, but is not limited to, major rule changes, revisions, and temporary exceptions. In most cases regarding major rule changes, a notice will be posted. Temporary exceptions are most likely to occur without any notice.

How The Contest Operates

At the beginning of each month, a ROTM: Nominations thread will be posted, outlining some basic rules and setting a timeframe for which vehicles may be nominated for entry in the competition. Nominate vehicles by replying to the thread in the format listed above. Once the nomination thread expires, contestants will be chosen than the voting round will begin.

Of all of the nominations submitted in a month, only three (3) vehicles will be chosen to compete for the title of ROTM. These cars will be hand selected by the ROTM staff to create a competitive and fair contest, or in some cases, to fit a common theme. This means that early entries are not any more likely to be chosen than later entries. All nominees have the same chance of being selected no matter the order they were nominated in. The ROTM: Voting thread will be posted shortly after the nomination thread expires.

Once the voting thread is available, the very first post will include a short excerpt of each user’s MR1 thread. This will include:
-The title of the MR1 thread
-A direct link to the MR1 thread
-A picture of the vehicle
-A list of modifications

Using this information (including the contents of the contestant’s MR1 thread), members of will be able to vote on who they think should receive the title of ROTM based on which ever aspects of the vehicles the voting members determine to be most important. At the top of the thread, a poll will allow members to vote for their favorite vehicle. Once a vote is submitted, the results will be available to view. A vote may be changed at anytime during the span of the competition. The thread will remain open as a means of discussion while the contest is in the voting round. At the end of the month, the vehicle with the most votes will be crowned that month’s ROTM.


There are no prizes at the moment, except the feeling of gratification. You can also tell people you were the ROTM for which ever month you competed and won. We’re working on something better but no guarantee on when we will roll out more prizes.

Legal Notice

By submitting a photo for competition, you authorize the use of said photo(s), without compensation, for use by the staff of Subaru Legacy International (SLi) in posters, calendars, the web page, or any other use deemed proper by the administration of SLi. Any money made by use of entry photos will be used for the improvement and support of SLi.

If your vehicle was nominated by someone other than yourself, it is assumed that you give SLi permission to use your photo(s) for commercial use. If you wish to opt out, you must do so before the voting round begins. After the voting round begins, any photos used in competition may be used at the discretion of Subaru Legacy International.