I made a master list of destination codes. These come in handy when looking up things on OpposedForces.com. I know I am missing some, and some I do not have specifics on, so I will be updating this list as I get more data.
C0 - Canada
C4 - Mexico
C5 - Canada (PZEV Emissions)
C6 - Korea
E2 - Israel
E3 - Peru
E9 - Philippines
EA - Russia
EC - Europe (Unknown country)
EH - China
EK - United Kingdom (RHD)
EL - Europe (Unknown country)
EP - Europe (Unknown country)
ER - Europe (Unknown country)
K0 - General LHD
K1 - General RHD
K4 - Panama
KA - Australia
KC - South Africa
KE - Jamaica
KS - Saudi Arabia
U4 - United States (Federal Emissions)
U5 - United States (California and Calfornia PZEV Emissions)
U6 - United States (Federal PZEV Emissions)