Tapatalk has been the go-to app for mobile forum browsing for a bit now, however they have made some very significant changes to their app that severely limits its usefulness.
First, there is no way to simply browse the forum anymore. Everything is "trending threads" or the "timeline" of recent posts. If it hasn't been posted in the last week or two, it is just no longer easily visible via the app.
Second, they started a "SL-i Chat" that is exclusive to the tapatalk app. We have zero control over what happens on it, nor who can chat on it. You do not even need to be a registered user of this forum to use it, as long as you "follow" SLi on Tapatalk.
And lastly.. They have littered the app with ads. Every third or fourth post is an ad for something now. The revenue generated from these ads goes to Tapatalk and not to us.
After talking it over with @Reason, we disabled tapatalk from this forum, and will look into alternative applications.. in the meantime, the forum itself looks pretty good from mobile browsers, so we encourage mobile users to use that for now.
If there are any questions, please feel free to ask them here, or PM me.