The meet will be held at Colt State park In Bristol RI at 11am (I'll try to be there early). The meet will last till everyone takes off. Some years the majority of us didn't part ways till 8pm. We keep it simple, we show up, hang out, BS and meet some of the people we got to know over time on SLi. Some bring chairs and we kick the shit, some people bring food and drinks, some of us make a quick run to local grub joints up the road. Come by for however long you want, say hi and show off your car and check out the rest of the rides!
No clowns please, we will get kicked out of the park. Maturity is asked of you while you are in the park. Thanks
Time: 11:00am - 6 ish
SLi's 13th Annual New England Meet
August 27th (Sat.) 2016
Colt State Park, Bristol RI (back parking lot)
Who: (for sure)
1. Reason (RI) +1
2. rkrenicki (CT)
3. Yamazaki (MD)
4. )2edline (MA)
5. Muse (CT)
6. dodik (NY)
7. 5thgen0BoostRI (RI)
8. nikolaus.conrad (NY)
Who: (maybes)
1. Grimmrican (CT)
2. thenines' (MA)
3. rougeben83 (NY)
Some examples of who showed up!
2013's 10th Annual Meet
2009's 6th Annual meet
SLi's 5th annual NE meet
Meet & Eat 2008
I didn't see a sign that says it's Colt State park so look for the bulls! You want to drive right between these two guys.
I had myself a pre meet, meetThis is the parking lot hopefully we will be using.
SLi represent!
If for some reason we aren't at this location we will be SOMEWHERE in the park. I found a few hidden spots that we may have to use. That's why I urge you to swap numbers with people so you can call someone else that may have found the rest of us already.
I will also bring any SLi decals that I have, $6 each