Hi all, looking for information about what to replace my current engine with when the time comes. The car is a 91 Legacy l wagon with the 2.2 motor in it. I am considering several possibilities including replacing the engine with the exact thing that is in it and living with its relatively low power. That is not my first preference. I would love to do an update to that engine, maybe a combo of parts that would allow a 2.5 engine NA as a bolt in swap. I have no idea if that is even possible or not, but I want to look at all reasonable possibilities. This car gets used as a daily driver and as my tow vehicle for my motorcycle trailer. In that duty it is adequate, but just barely. A bit more torque and horsepower would be greatly appreciated. If it isnt possible to do an easy swap of a 2.5 in that car, then what is the expected max power I could plan on with a well built 2.2? Looking forward to what you guys who have done this stuff with these cars have to say.