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Thread: Muse's 1982 Yamaha XJ650T Seca Turbo

  1. #1
    SLi O.G. Muse's Avatar
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    Muse's 1982 Yamaha XJ650T Seca Turbo

    Found this 1982 Yamaha XJ650T Seca Turbo (Or what's left of one,) lying on it's side behind the local NAPA. Talked to the owner, and he said I could have it, but not to get my hopes up, that it was complete junk. It had spent the past 9 years outside, and it smoked like a chimney the last time it had run.

    I'm ready to agree with him on that, but I'm hoping I can salvage enough okay parts to build something cool. I mean, come on! it's 1 of (approx.) 8,000 built in the 2 years it was made, and it's a factory turbo bike. I can't just let it get scrapped. I've already started taking it apart, and will keep y'all updated.

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    2002 Outback H6 VDC "Blitzen 6"

    Quote Originally Posted by Lancaster6
    A sherpa could rip ass somewhere high up in the Himalayas and my Prius will be blown almost off of the road.

  2. #2
    SLi O.G. Muse's Avatar
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    And, for reference, this is what it should look like.

    Name:  1982-yamaha-xj650-turbo-blow-my-mind-40-years-on.jpg
Views: 9
Size:  107.5 KB
    2002 Outback H6 VDC "Blitzen 6"

    Quote Originally Posted by Lancaster6
    A sherpa could rip ass somewhere high up in the Himalayas and my Prius will be blown almost off of the road.

  3. #3
    SLi O.G. Muse's Avatar
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    Well, after a bit of digging, I can conclusively say that this frame is utter junk. it got hit in the rear and is tweaked both to the left and the upper portion is shunted so hard that the fuel tank won't mate up to the rear mount.

    I'm not giving up on the idea of having a bike, and parts from this one factor in to what I'd like to build... But it's gonna call for buying a whole other non-turbo XJ650... So that's gonna be a long-term thing. Just gonna tear it down for now and sell anything that might be good other than the 4-1 turbo manifold and the fairings. those are staying mine.
    2002 Outback H6 VDC "Blitzen 6"

    Quote Originally Posted by Lancaster6
    A sherpa could rip ass somewhere high up in the Himalayas and my Prius will be blown almost off of the road.

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